When you know how "Mississippi" is spelled and you tell your grade-school genius child for her homework, and she says, "I don't think that's right," what goes through your mind? The good news is, she's thinking about it. The other "news" is that there are certain rock solid truths in this universe, and the above correct spelling of that certain southern state is one of them.
Therefore when Jenny McCarthy appears on TV and claims her son became autistic from vaccine injury, I know this is a fact as much as I know how to spell a lot of different things. What is striking is the coincidence of McCarthy's book publishing and talk-show tour, with a
new study featured as the number-one story currently on MSNBC. The very seriously-authoritative and scientific study done by the CDC (Center for Disease Control)--a federal entity designed to pretty much
smooth over our consumer concerns that a drug approved for marketing is not dangerous after all (at least that's what I think their basic purpose is)--shows that
thimerosol, the mercury preservative widely used until a few years ago to
lengthen the shelf-life of vaccines, was not actually harmful to children who received the shots.
The key ingredient to the story is that the vaccine-autism connection was not part of this study, and not an issue. I don't consider mercury a culprit in the vaccine-autism cause and effect anyway. It is the toxin, or germ, contained in the shot itself that causes the adverse affects on the immune system.
Dead-virus, or live-virus vaccine etc...who cares? The cultures for polio vaccines are grown in the kidney tissue of dead monkeys in third-world countries with little or no controls and the virulent pustule toxin is put in vaccines to be shot into you little kid's arm. I wouldn't go into a room where that putrid stuff is, let alone inject it into my blood stream! Would you?
The coincidence remains, however--there is this very visible, known, and attractive, entertainment personality who can get headlines with a story about her child and autism, which is happening right now--and this study comes out today. And Jenny is on Larry King Live tonight!
When Barbara
Loe Fisher of the
National Vaccine Information Center wrote her email newsletter commending Oprah Winfrey for finally having a show dedicated to the vaccine issue, and for Jenny McCarthy for talking about it, she gave credit where credit is due to another mother years ago who found the problem, and the answer, and started a movement of parents to take a stand:
Jenny McCarthy gave a star turn on Oprah when she clearly, simply and passionately described what happened to her son after vaccination and how she was empowered by information she found on the Internet to find ways to cure his vaccine-associated regressive autism. She listened to her mother's instinct and pursued a course of treatment that involved nutrition and other alternative therapies. It is a story of a mother's love and determination to heal her son after he was given the diagnosis of autism, a neuroimmune disorder that so many pediatricians are taught is untreatable.
In the early 1990's, a mother in California, Cindy Goldenberg, was the first Mom to cure her son of regressive autism by listening to her mother's instincts and doing her own research into vaccine-induced neuroimmune dysfunction. Her son experienced regressive autism after receiving MMR vaccine. Cindy sought out IVIG therapy as well as nutritional and probiotic therapies that she said "healed his gut." Her son was soon in a regular classroom and this year he graduated from high school.
Two years a

go, at the last Defeat Autism Now (DAN) conference attended by the late amazing Dr. Bernard
Rimland, founder of the Autism Research Society, Jennie met this young man who addressed an audience of 1,000 attendees and press, and who indeed defeated autism because of his mother, Bernie, and the truth.
Inspiration and hope are undefeatable, even by the CDC and big pharma vaccine-makers who can't spell "Mississippi."